Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Because we are awesome and we can

I'm so excited to have Alyn living with us again! We can cause so much trouble now that her devious mind has joined our consortium of mischief.

Indeed! My penchant for chaos and destruction rivals that of the legendary Aria and Nona in their teenage years. In days to come we shall lure my dear cousin to the dark side. Victory is upon us, sisters!

Y'all are ridiculous... that's almost as bad as "Come sisters! Let us leave this place in a manner most Wiccan!"

"Text your mom to come pick us up."!!!!

Hey, we're not that bad. Anyway, since when did you become all serious, and such?

Anne's just pissed because she's in "old cat lady" mode. She's convinced that she'll remain single and unsatisfied forever.


What's that about, Cambri?

Oh, nothing... I'm sure you'll figure it out in time :P

Right... whatever.... So, are you in on our devious plans to corrupt Michael?

The cute new guy? YES! OMG! This will be so much fun! :D

He's gonna be tough to crack. That kid IS the buckle of the Bible belt. Pretty much every stereotype of fundie Christians I've ever heard exists in him. Hell, I'm pretty sure he doesn't know about sex, or that boys and girls have different body parts....

O.O Seriously?!?! We must rectify this! Get that boy some porn!

Y'all do realize that you're sitting right next to each other at the same computer, typing your conversation into a blog post instead of actually speaking, right?

~~Alyn, Cambri, Wynn

Y'all are fucking insane....

Says the keyboard hijacker...

Well, fuck you, Wynn :P

*Giggles, then runs off to the other room to laugh hysterically*

What was that about?


Yeah... umm... well... Splunge.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I couldn't resist

What will happen when a fundamentalist Christian joins a house full of polyamorous polytheists?! Find out next time on The Dayspring Chronicles!


New Girl in the House

Well, sort of. My name is Aria, and I have just moved (back) into the Big House with my husband Lance, my five year old daughter, my 15 year old sister Alyn, and my 15 year old cousin Michael. Nona and I have been good friends since we were kids. She's like a sister to me.

What's most unusual about this situation is Michael. His parents are very conservative fundamentalist Christians, and he has had a very sheltered life. His parents felt that they were called to go on a mission trip to a war zone, but they did not feel that it was safe enough to bring their son, so the left him in my care. I warned them that I was moving into a large house with some friends, and they were already aware of our religious differences, but they still felt that I was the most responsible of their relatives and best suited to take care of Michael. Whatever... I guess this means The Girls finally have someone new to corrupt.


Overcoming Jealousy: Drak

I have never been under the assumption that I own my wife. I know full well that it's the other way around.

I first met Myst when she took me prisoner during one of the many raids I and my Saxon brethren made in Britain. Those wars are long since past, but after that we got married, so I suppose I'm still a prisoner of war (at least according to some). She was already involved with Alan at that time, however the point at which they became "married" is still up for debate.

Given our unusual circumstances, I can't say I've experienced jealousy in the traditional sense. I have more often envied Alan's skills with a sword, than with... well... a "sword." Each of us has our own talents. Instead of dwelling on what other's have that I do not, I prefer to focus on what I do have. As the saying goes, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
